A band that seemingly takes all their influences and jam packs them into each album, makes for a fun listening. Every time I hear a new album from these guys I’m always impressed at how catchy they are, while also remaining true to the southern California heavy, punky, rock ’n roll sound they’ve always put out there into the world. Their new album, the self titled “Ignite” is definitely no exception to that.
It’s hard to classify bands these days, which isn’t a bad thing at all, and bands that have been around for a long time, such as these guys that not only stay true to their sound, but continue to improve on that sound, deserve accolades. This album caught me from track number one “Anti-Complicity Anthem” with that signature So-Cal punk rock sound that we’ve all come to know and love from bands like this and Pennywise.
Then the album turns to “The River”, which ebbs and flows from slow to faster rock ’n roll, and right into “This Day” with a rad bass line and more traditional So-Cal punk rock again, which stays true through the entire album, ebbing and flowing very nicely, keeping me interested all the way through all ten tracks, ending with “Let the Beggars Beg.”
By the end of the 30minutes, I found myself starting over and digging it more and more every time I jammed it. It feels like an original fresh take on a sound that we’ve heard before, which is refreshing.