Fit For An Autopsy – Roseville, CA

FFAA held nothing back in their first ever show at Goldfield Trading Post in Roseville, CA packed to the brim. Surprisingly this mid size venue sported some amazing lighting and good clear sound for its size. 

The second FFAA came on, it was an instant pulse through the crowd of roughly 500. Four giant poles in the middle of the pit didn’t stop this group of maniacs from moshing stage to bar the entire set. 

FFAA wasted no time in between songs, barely talking and just absolutely destroying every single song. For my first show in 2022, I have to say that I may have not been fully prepared for the chaos that ensued, but I was definitely ready for an amazing night of heavy ass metal. 

While I can put a label on them, I choose not to because they are one of those bands that wear their influences on their sleeve and mold so many different genres together that it’s near impossible to genre define. 

By the time they ended with “Black Mammoth”, the place was just warming up and could take another 30min of a beating if you ask me. But either way, if you get a chance to see this show on the remainder of the tour, take it and go!

5/5 - (1 vote)
I'm a screenwriter, journalist, independent filmmaker and photographer when time permits. I cut my teeth in Journalism with Klusterfuct Magazine, Fringe Magazine and finally Your Music Magazine interview bands such as Rob Zombie, Korn, Unearth, Shadows Fall, Rise Against, All That Remains and many more. Fed up with the politics involved in working for someone else I ventured out on my own journey and started creating short films in hopes to one day create feature films, but alas I missed writing about bands that mean so much to me, so here I am...fighting the good fight, fighting the metal fight!
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